Heading 3 Missing In Word For Mac 2011

Hello again, Figured I would make a new thread for this because it's slightly different from my other question. I have been using Table of Contents styles for quite a while now. It came to my attention at some point that Word and my other pdf-creating program can only create bookmarks based off the default Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. Styles in Word. I am currently working on a template and I deleted (by right clicking and choosing Remove) most of the default style boxes from Word styles menu (I'm running Word 2010 on Windows 7 Home). I have made a lot of progress with my template, but now I would like to bring those Heading 1, Heading 2, etc. Styles back into the styles menu for my current template.

Microsoft Word 2011 - Setting Headers and Footers in Word 2011 Mac Customize the document headers and footers in Word 2011 for Mac to show page numbers, dates, and logos for formal stationery.

Any ideas on how to achieve this? Thank you in advance for any time or assistance you can provide. How to decrease spaces between words in microsoft word for mac.

Hi there Paul.the cross-posting etiquette link didn't open for me. I can see why some people would think it is best to only post in one place, but I think the ethics of cross-posting are debatable. Indeed, there are benefits to cross-posting (more people, more ideas, more access to those ideas for other users in the future). That and of course the practicality of the matter. Having said that, if msofficeforums prefers, I will delete my post from the other forum, but again I'd be interested to see if I can get a response first and then share that information to other forums.

Mac review cnet That is beneficial, not harmful, to everyone in my mind. If I must delete my post somewhere to follow the rules, of course I'll do so, but in that case perhaps you could provide some guidance about which forum is most likely to respond.

Thanks and have a good one. I think the ethics of cross-posting are debatable. Indeed, there are benefits to cross-posting (more people, more ideas, more access to those ideas for other users in the future). That and of course the practicality of the matter.

Debate it if you will - but it remains a matter of common courtesy to inform contributors to all affected forums that you're cross-posting (and where), so that people don't waste their time reinventing the wheel. FWIW, quite a number of forums will ban users who ignore the etiquette. Working on a solution based on a recent response to another thread i was involved in. Here are two options to solve the initial question i raised in the thread (first option is a quick reset, second option retains your current styles but allows you to add old ones back in): Solution 1. Home Tab-->Styles-->Change Styles-->Styles Set-->Reset Document Quick Styles This will reset the styles to whatever they were when the document was first created, which is fine for some cases but did not work for me because I had saved new document titles, so it only reverted to a previous set and not the original set. Home Tab-->Styles-->Full Styles Window (accessed by clicking the little arrow at the bottom right of the styles menu)-->Options--> Select 'Show all Styles' and Sort Alphabetically to make it easier to locate your style. Then return to the Style Manager window, click the down arrow next to a given style, and choose Add to Quick Style Gallery.

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